That Burning Sensation

Get ready to ignite your cycling knowledge as we dive into the burning world of energy systems! When we push our limits on the bike, our bodies unleash a fiery dance of energy production that fuels our pedal-powered adventures. In this blog post, we'll explore the fascinating science behind the energy systems at play in cycling, uncovering the secrets behind that notorious burning sensation and discovering how to harness it for better performance. Get ready to stoke the flames of your cycling understanding!

Whilst we, as cyclists, constantly strive to improve our power output and track our performance metrics, it's crucial to recognise the intricate systems operating within our bodies that we may not be consciously aware of. Understanding the underlying energy systems and muscles at work during cycling provides us with a deeper appreciation of our physical capabilities and enhances our overall training approach. By gaining insights into the science behind our cycling performance, we can make more informed decisions, optimise our training routines, and cultivate a holistic understanding of our bodies as we push ourselves to new limits on the bike.

Moreover, having an understanding of the systems happening within our bodies during cycling goes beyond performance enhancement. It allows us to develop a greater sense of respect and awe for the intricate mechanisms that enable us to pedal with power and endurance. By acknowledging the incredible interplay between energy systems, such as aerobic and anaerobic metabolism, and the engagement of various muscles throughout our body, we gain a deeper connection with the physicality of cycling. Recognising these hidden processes not only enhances our knowledge but also fosters a sense of gratitude for the remarkable capabilities of the human body. It reminds us that while we focus on improving our metrics and pushing our limits, there is an entire symphony of physiological adaptations occurring beneath the surface. This understanding encourages us to approach our training with mindfulness, balance, and respect for the body's innate intelligence.

Energy Sources

When it comes to cycling, our bodies rely on two primary energy systems: aerobic and anaerobic. These energy systems work together to provide the fuel needed to power our rides and enable us to tackle various intensities and durations on the bike. Let's take a closer look at each of them:

Aerobic Energy System

When it comes to endurance cycling, the aerobic energy system takes centre stage. Picture yourself cruising along scenic routes, feeling the wind in your hair as your body becomes a lean, mean, energy-producing machine. The aerobic system is all about sustainable fuel sources, like carbohydrates and fats, that keep the fire burning for the long haul. But beware, as you ramp up the intensity, the burn starts to build.

The aerobic energy system, also known as the oxygen-dependent system, is responsible for generating energy during longer, steady-state efforts. It utilises oxygen to break down carbohydrates and fats and convert them into usable energy. This process occurs in the mitochondria, the powerhouse of our cells. The aerobic system is highly efficient and can sustain energy production for extended periods, making it essential for endurance cycling. When riding within our aerobic capacity, we can maintain a conversation comfortably and sustain a steady pace. This system plays a crucial role in longer rides, endurance events, and the foundation of overall cardiovascular fitness.

Anaerobic Energy System

Now, let's turn up the heat with the anaerobic energy system. Imagine those explosive sprints, heart-pounding climbs, and all-out efforts that leave your legs trembling and your lungs gasping for air. The anaerobic system is like a flash in the pan, relying on stored glycogen to produce intense bursts of power. But with great power comes a burning sensation as lactate builds up, signalling the fire within your muscles.

The anaerobic energy system comes into play when we push our bodies beyond the aerobic system's capacity. It primarily relies on stored glycogen, the stored form of carbohydrates in our muscles, for quick energy release. Unlike the aerobic system, the anaerobic system does not require oxygen to generate energy. It is responsible for short bursts of high-intensity efforts, such as sprinting, attacking steep climbs, or accelerating from a standstill. During these intense moments, the anaerobic system produces energy rapidly but is limited in its ability to sustain output. It is characterised by a buildup of lactate, which can lead to fatigue and a burning sensation in the muscles.

Ah, that burning sensation! We've all experienced it, and sometimes we fear it. But here's the twist: that burn is a sign that you're pushing your limits and tapping into your body's incredible potential. It's a reminder that you're alive and giving it your all. So, instead of shying away from the burn, embrace it, relish it, and let it fuel your determination to go farther and faster.

It's important to note that these energy systems are not mutually exclusive and work in conjunction with each other. Even during intense anaerobic efforts, the aerobic system continues to play a vital role. It helps replenish glycogen stores, clear lactate, and provide the necessary support for recovery between intense bouts. Training both energy systems is essential for cyclists to improve overall performance, endurance, and the ability to handle a variety of intensities and durations on the bike.

Understanding the interplay between aerobic and anaerobic energy systems allows us to plan our training strategically. We can enhance our cycling performance and excel in different cycling disciplines by incorporating a mix of long, steady rides to develop aerobic capacity and targeted interval sessions to improve anaerobic power. Balancing the utilisation of these energy systems is key to becoming a well-rounded and efficient cyclist on the road or trail.

Creating Energy

The human body possesses an astonishing capacity to generate its own energy, fuelling physical activities such as cycling with remarkable efficiency. Let's delve into the fascinating process through which our bodies create the energy required for these endeavours:

Energy production within the body begins at a cellular level. The fundamental unit of energy production is the molecule known as adenosine triphosphate (ATP). ATP is the "currency" of energy in our cells, supplying the necessary fuel for various physiological processes, including muscle contraction during cycling.

Carbohydrate Metabolism: Carbohydrates are the primary source of fuel for energy production. During digestion, carbohydrates are broken down into glucose, which enters the bloodstream. As you cycle, your body converts glucose into the compound adenosine triphosphate (ATP) through a process called glycolysis.

Fat Metabolism: While carbohydrates are the body's preferred energy source during high-intensity efforts, fats are vital in providing sustained energy during endurance rides. When cycling at lower intensities, your body taps into its fat stores. Through lipolysis, stored fats are broken down into fatty acids and converted into ATP, providing a steady and long-lasting energy source.

Oxygen and Energy Production: Generating energy from glucose and fats requires oxygen. During cycling, your breathing rate increases, allowing your lungs to take in more oxygen. The bloodstream then transports oxygen to the working muscles. In a series of aerobic respiration reactions within the muscle cells, oxygen is utilised to convert glucose and fats into ATP. This process efficiently produces energy and is sustainable for more extended periods of exercise.


Lactate, a term commonly used in cycling, is often associated with the burning sensation and fatigue experienced in the muscles during intense efforts. While cyclists are familiar with the discomfort caused by lactate, it's important to understand what it is and its role in energy production.

Contrary to popular belief, lactate is not a waste product or the sole cause of muscle fatigue. In fact, lactate serves as an essential intermediary in the process of energy production. During high-intensity exercise, when the demand for energy surpasses the aerobic capacity of the body, the breakdown of glucose for ATP production generates lactate as a byproduct.

Lactate itself can be used as a fuel source by active muscles and other tissues. It can be transported through the bloodstream to different parts of the body, including the heart, liver, and skeletal muscles, where it is converted back into energy. This process is known as the lactate shuttle system. Therefore, lactate is not the enemy but rather a valuable resource that can be utilised for energy production.

Understanding the concept of lactate threshold is crucial for cyclists looking to improve their performance. The lactate threshold refers to the exercise intensity at which lactate production exceeds the body's ability to remove it. As a result, lactate accumulates in the muscles and bloodstream, leading to the onset of fatigue and a decline in performance.

By training to push up our lactate threshold, we can increase our body's capacity to tolerate higher lactate levels before fatigue sets in. This can be achieved through specific workouts targeting the anaerobic energy system, such as interval training and tempo rides. These training methods help improve the efficiency of lactate clearance and enhance the body's ability to utilise lactate as a valuable energy source.

To optimise lactate threshold training, it is important to balance pushing the limits and allowing adequate recovery. Gradually increasing training intensity, monitoring heart rate or power output.

In summary, lactate plays a critical role in energy production during intense exercise. It is not solely responsible for muscle fatigue but is instead a valuable energy substrate. By understanding the role of lactate and training to increase our lactate threshold, we can enhance our endurance, delay fatigue, and ultimately improve our cycling performance.

Energy Conservation

While the body is remarkable at creating energy, it also has mechanisms in place to conserve and optimise energy usage during cycling:

Efficient Movement: To conserve energy, your body strives for efficient movement patterns while cycling. This includes maintaining proper cycling posture, using smooth pedal strokes, and engaging the appropriate muscles without unnecessary tension. Efficient movement minimises energy wastage and allows you to cycle for longer distances without fatigue.

Energy Storage: During rest periods and low-intensity cycling, the body replenishes its energy stores. Excess glucose is stored as glycogen in the liver and muscles, ready to be utilised. Adequate nutrition and hydration are crucial for replenishing these energy stores and optimising performance.

Energy Conservation Strategies: When faced with prolonged or intense cycling efforts, your body may employ energy conservation strategies. These include reducing non-essential bodily functions like digestion and redirecting blood flow to the working muscles. These mechanisms ensure that energy is prioritised for the essential task of powering your cycling activity.

Muscles at Work

Cycling engages numerous muscles throughout your body, helping you power through each pedal stroke. Here are some of the key muscle groups involved:

Quadriceps: The quadriceps muscles are located in the front of the thigh and are essential for generating power during cycling. These muscles extend the knee, allowing you to push down on the pedals. They are particularly active when climbing hills or accelerating.

Hamstrings: Situated at the back of the thigh, the hamstrings play a crucial role in cycling by flexing the knee and assisting the quadriceps. They work harmoniously to provide a balanced pedal stroke and contribute to overall leg strength.

Glutes: The gluteal muscles, including the gluteus Maximus, medius, and minimus, are located in the buttocks region. These muscles are engaged during the downstroke of the pedal stroke and provide power and stability, especially when climbing or pushing against resistance.

Calves: The calf muscles, including the gastrocnemius and soleus, are found in the lower leg. They are vital for the pushing motion during cycling and are crucial in generating force to propel the bike forward.

Core Muscles: While the lower body muscles do most of the work in cycling, the core muscles, including the abdominal and back muscles, provide stability and help maintain a proper posture. They support your upper body and help you transfer power efficiently from the legs to the pedals.

It's important to note that the following muscle groups don’t provide power to your ride or accelerate you. They are still actively engaged during cycling, the intensity and duration of your rides can influence the level of involvement of each muscle. Additionally, proper bike fit, technique, and conditioning exercises can help optimise muscle engagement and prevent fatigue or overuse injuries.

Deltoids: The deltoid muscles in the shoulders play a role in stabilising and controlling the upper body during cycling. They help maintain proper arm positioning on the handlebars, especially when navigating turns or riding in aero positions.

Back Muscles: The back muscles, including the erector spinae and latissimus dorsi, are engaged during cycling to maintain posture and stability. They help support the upper body and prevent excessive strain on the lower back.

Triceps: The triceps muscles, located at the back of the upper arms, are involved in cycling by assisting in extending the elbows. They contribute to the pushing phase of the pedal stroke, especially during climbs and sprints.

Hip Flexors: The hip flexor muscles, including the iliopsoas and rectus femoris, are located in the front of the hip. These muscles are actively engaged during cycling to bring the knee upward in the pedal stroke. They play a crucial role in achieving a full range of motion and maintaining proper cycling form.

Ankles and Feet Muscles: The ankles and feet muscles, including the tibialis anterior and gastrocnemius, are essential for maintaining stability and providing the necessary power to the pedals. They assist in the upstroke and help control the foot's movement throughout the pedal stroke.


Cycling is a great activity that offers numerous health benefits while allowing you to explore the great outdoors. Understanding the different energy systems the body uses and the muscles involved can deepen your appreciation for the remarkable mechanics during every ride. Whether embarking on a leisurely cruise or tackling challenging terrains, your body's energy systems and muscles work in tandem to propel you forward and make your cycling experience genuinely exhilarating. So saddle up, enjoy the ride, and let your body unleash its cycling potential!


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