Fuel Your Ride with Science: Introducing Our New Nutrition Calculators

As any cyclist knows, nutrition is crucial in performance and recovery. To help you optimise nutrition, we've introduced new, science-backed nutrition calculators on our website. These tools are designed to tailor your dietary needs based on the latest research, ensuring you get the most out of every ride.

The Science Behind Effective Nutrition

Proper nutrition is fundamental to athletic performance. It not only fuels your workouts but also aids in recovery, helping you achieve your fitness goals. Our new calculators are based on rigorous scientific research, providing accurate and personalized nutrition advice.

Highlighting the Key Papers

Our calculators draw from five key papers in sports nutrition science, ensuring that your dietary recommendations are grounded in solid evidence.

  1. Metabolic Equivalents (METS) in Exercise Testing, Exercise Prescription, and Evaluation of Functional Capacity (Jetté et al., 1990)

    • The concept of METS, or Metabolic Equivalents, is a practical method for quantifying the energy expenditure of various physical activities. One MET is the energy cost of sitting quietly and is approximately 3.5 ml O2 per kg of body weight per minute. This metric allows for comparing the intensity of different exercises and tailoring nutrition plans to meet the energy demands of specific cycling workouts. For instance, knowing that cycling at a moderate pace uses around 8 METS helps plan the necessary carbohydrate intake to match this energy expenditure​​.

  2. Carbohydrates for Training and Competition (Burke et al., 2011)

    • Carbohydrates play a critical role in maintaining high-intensity exercise and facilitating recovery. This paper emphasises the importance of carbohydrate availability, which refers to the muscle's ability to access sufficient carbohydrate stores during exercise. High carbohydrate availability can be achieved through strategic intake before, during, and after exercise, optimising performance and recovery. The research suggests consuming carbohydrates in the hours leading up to exercise and immediately post-exercise to maximise glycogen stores​​.

  3. Post-Exercise Muscle Glycogen Resynthesis in Humans (Burke et al., 2017)

    • Effective post-exercise recovery depends heavily on replenishing muscle glycogen stores. This study highlights that the timing, type, and amount of carbohydrate intake are crucial for optimal glycogen resynthesis. Consuming high-glycemic index carbohydrates immediately after exercise can significantly speed up glycogen replenishment, which is critical for athletes undergoing multiple training sessions daily​​.

  4. Carbohydrate Needs of Endurance Athletes (Podlogar & Wallis, 2022)

    • This contemporary review discusses the specific carbohydrate requirements for endurance athletes, emphasising the need for individualised strategies. The paper suggests endurance athletes benefit from higher carbohydrate intake to maintain performance during prolonged exercise. The research also explores innovative carbohydrate formulations that improve absorption and utilisation of exercise, providing practical insights for our calculators​​.

  5. Exercise and Nutrient Interactions: Implications for Exercise Performance and Recovery (Wong et al., 2011)

    • This paper explores how different nutrients interact with exercise to influence performance and recovery. It underscores the importance of combining carbohydrates with proteins to enhance glycogen storage and muscle repair. The findings support integrating comprehensive nutrient strategies into our calculators to provide balanced and adequate nutrition plans​​.

Introducing Our Calculators

We offer two powerful tools to help you manage your nutrition effectively: the Carbohydrate Expenditure and Fluid Nutrition Plan Calculator and the Daily Macronutrients Calculator.

This calculator aims to advise and help athletes manage carbohydrate intake for improved performance. It estimates calories burned using average power, zone, or METs and provides carbohydrate consumption and fluid guidelines based on ride duration. This assists in planning for better performance and recovery. The calculator includes products from High 5, SIS, OTE, STYRKR, and Maurten, breaking down the required mix, gel, and bar ratio and comparing the total cost.

How to Use the Calculator

  1. Your Weight (kg): Enter your body weight in kilograms.

  2. Ride Duration: Specify the total duration of your ride in hours and minutes.

  3. Cycling Intensity: Select your cycling intensity, choosing between average power output (in watts), METs, or Coggan power zones based on FTP. Note that the calculations for power and METs are distinct, ensuring the estimation is tailored to the intensity measurement method.

Click Calculate to receive an estimation of your caloric burn and the amount of carbohydrates recommended to fuel your ride effectively.

This calculator is designed to precisely determine your daily macronutrient requirements based on the training intensity for the day. It provides tailored guidance on the optimal intake of carbohydrates, proteins, and fats, enabling you to support your exercise effectively. The tool also presents these macronutrients regarding caloric intake, clearly visualising the energy each nutrient contributes to your diet.


Athletes should use a periodisation strategy to ensure their carbohydrate intake matches the demands of their training or competition schedule. Our nutrition calculator helps you adjust your daily intake of carbohydrates, proteins, and fats based on your activity level. Just input your body weight and the intensity level of the day, and you'll receive straightforward guidelines designed to enhance your performance and recovery while maintaining overall health.

Additionally, the calculator compares these guidelines against your Basal Metabolic Rate (BMR) so you can see how much intake is required for training.

Benefits of Using the Calculators

Using our calculators, you can expect:

  • Improved Performance: Optimising carbohydrate intake before, during, and after rides will sustain higher energy levels and enhance endurance.

  • Enhanced Recovery: PersoPersonalisedogen replenishment plans ensure your muscles recover quickly, reducing downtime between rides.

  • Convenience and Accuracy: The calculators provide science-backed dietary advice that's easy to follow, taking the guesswork out of your nutrition planning.


Nutrition is a critical component of cycling performance, and our new calculators are here to help you get it right. Based on the latest scientific research, these tools provide personalised plans to fuel your rides and aid your recovery. Try our calculators today and experience the benefits of science-backed nutrition. Let us know how they work for you, and share your feedback!

By integrating these scientific insights into your nutrition planning, you can ride stronger, recover faster, and confidently reach your cycling goals.

Head to https://www.saddleupcycling.co.uk/nutrition/


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