Here you will find various posts and articles catering to cyclists of all levels, from training techniques and racing strategies to embracing the joy of cycling and optimising performance.
The Worst Mistake to Make is to be Afraid of Making Mistakes
As whimsically articulated in Adventure Time, "Dude, sucking at something is the first step towards sorta being good at something." This light-hearted quote encapsulates the essence of our coaching philosophy.
Attentional Focus: The Hidden Key to Cycling Performance
Cycling performance isn't merely about physical prowess, but also mastering the mental game. At Saddle Up Cycling, we believe in the power of attentional focus, a secret weapon that bridges the gap between a good performance and a stellar one. This blog post explores the dual facets of attentional focus—internal and external—and how effectively managing them can enhance your performance in long intervals, time trials, and bunch races
The Power of Self-Reflection
If you're a passionate cyclist or racing enthusiast, you've no doubt tasted the adrenaline rush of sprinting past the competition or the sheer joy of surpassing a personal record. Yet, the journey towards cycling success is about more than just those exhilarating moments. It requires a comprehensive and honest examination of your performance — a process known as self-reflection.
Mastering the Mindset of Resilience
As cyclists, we encounter races and training rides influenced by uncontrollable factors. By adopting a stoic perspective and accepting the unpredictable nature of cycling events, we can approach them with adaptability and resilience.